Oliver Kirchkamp
[A picture of Oliver Kirchkamp]

Oliver Kirchkamp is Professor for Empirical and Experimental Economics at University of Jena, fellow of the CESifo Research Network and associate editor of the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. He studied economics at Bonn University and finished his studies in 1990 with a thesis on optimal taxation. His Ph.D. on “Evolution and Learning in Spatial Models” was done within the European Doctoral Program in Quantitative Economics at Bonn and the EHESS and DELTA (now PSE) in Paris. In 1996 he went as a Jean Monnet Fellow to the European University Institute in Florence where he became involved in experimental and behavioural economics. In 1997 he became head of the experimental laboratory at the SFB 504 at the University of Mannheim. He obtained his habilitation in economics in 2001 and, from 2002-2005, substituted a chair for Microeconomic Theory and later one for Macroeconomics and Economic Policy at University of Mannheim. In 2005 he went to University of St. Andrews in Scotland where he held a chair for Microeconomics. From St. Andrews he moved in 2006 to Jena on a chair for Empirical and Experimental Economics. Oliver Kirchkamp is interested in empirical methods, experiments, markets, and auctions.


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Working Papers