Oliver Kirchkamp

MW26.1 - Approaches to Economic Science (2014/15) - Master Program in Economics

This lecture is part of the - Master Program in Economics and given together with other members of the faculty of economics and business administration.
Fri. 14-16, Carl Zeiss Str. 3, HS4
Thu., 14-16, Carl Zeiss Str. 3, HS 5
Mid-term exam (for the technical part of the course):
  • Thu., 27.11.2014, HS 2, 18:15
    Students who have failed this exam take their resit on 18 December 2014, 14:15, HS5.
  • To pass the course students have to pass this exam. The grade counts as 1/3 of the final grade.
  • Instructions for the exam, Questions 2013/14, Questions 2013/14 for the resit, Questions 2014/15. Questions 2014/15 for the resit.
  • Midterm results:
    1 1.3 1.7 2 2.3 2.7 3 3.3 3.7 4 5
    min points 50 48 44 41 38 36 33 30 27 25 15
    count 12 6 20 14 13 14 13 12 8 6 27
    percent 8 4 14 10 9 10 9 8 6 4 19

    If you forgot your PIN, please make an appointment with the office of the chair . You will need your Thoska to identify yourselves.

  • Resit of the Midterm (18 December 2014, 14:15, HS5).

    1.7 2 2.3 3 3.3 3.7 4 5
    min points 42 39 37 31 28 25 23 17
    count 2 2 3 2 3 6 5 4
    percent 7 7 11 7 11 22 19 15

    If you forgot your PIN, please make an appointment with the office of the chair . You will need your Thoska to identify yourselves.

We try hard to avoid mistakes but if you think we made a mistake, please check first with the help of your problem sheet and the sample solution. Please keep in mind that the points given above are the minimum needed to obtain a certain grade. If you think we made a mistake, please proceed as follows:
  • Step 1: Please send an email with a brief list as text (such a list makes it much easier to give you informative feedback while still protecting your personal data) of the points you expect to obtain for each question to the office of the chair (please include your name and your matriculation number, please do not include any scans or other attachments). We will then compare your list with our list.

    If you have given us a detailed list with your points for each question, and there are only one or two deviations, then we can give you informative feedback.

    If you have not given us a detailed list with your points, then all we can normally do is tell you that after we checked your exam nothing changes. Of course, should we ever discover a mistake, we will fix it (the procedure seems to be quite reliable, so there are very, very few mistakes).

  • Step 2: If we can not find a mistake in our grading and if you disagree, you can have a look at a copy of your solution. Here is a sample how (a part of) a graded solution might look like:
    In this case please make an appointment with the office of the chair . You will need a photo ID as a proof of your identity. It will also help you if you have a copy of your questions and the solution sheet ready.
  • Step 3: If you are still unsatisfied with your grade you can formally appeal the decision with the Prüfungsamt (examination office).